Monday, March 27, 2017

All About Maya The Explorer - Expat Blog

Hello and welcome! My name is Maya and I’m an African-American Puerto Rican who decided to move abroad 6 years ago. I’ve always loved to travel, but when the bills and debt became overwhelming and I was no longer able to travel as much, I decided it was time for a change. I moved to the Philippines to live and teach and have been in Asia ever since.
It was honestly the best decision I’ve ever made and inspired me to share my story. So whether you are wanting more information on teaching abroad, are interested in what it’s like to be an expat, looking to get out of debt and build wealth, or just need advice on where to go on your next vacation, you’ve come to the right place.  

It should also be known that it is impossible for me to separate my race or background from my experience, so I share that as well. Both my heritage and my upbringing have had a huge impact on who I have become and continue to drive my goals and where I’m going. So whether it be my planned adventure to Africa this summer, my continual quest to perfect my Spanish and be surrounded by my Latino culture or just my desire to help others achieve their dreams, I touch on it all. So if you’re looking for inspiration, or simply want to know that you’re not alone in the struggle, welcome.
What now?
Dive in and check out the content. Please feel free to comment. I’d much rather hear from readers than just crickets. I’m also always looking for topics to write about, so if you have questions about living abroad or any of my experiences, fire away. And if you really love it, please subscribe or follow me on social media.

The blog is organized by categories which can be found at the very top of each page. You can also click on the travel section to see a map of where I’ve been and what I recommend in each of those countries. Thank you so much for reading. I really hope you enjoy it!

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